We provide phone consultations and telemental health sessions (video conference) for our counseling and psychiatric services.
Telemental health is changing the world by making it easier and more affordable for healthcare providers to care for their patients anywhere, including rural and underserved areas. We believe everyone should have access to care through telemental health.
We strive to be innovative not only in our care but in how we run our practice. We are virtually paperless providers and encourage patients to use technology to streamline and improve their care and overall experience. Our patient portal and website can send appointment reminders via text, email. We send billing statements electronically. Our portal allows patients to complete paperwork on-line. Our goal is to use an evidence-based approach to not only address specific concerns but to evaluate and celebrate improvements. Our goal is to provide an environment that normalizes mental health and substance abuse treatment while appreciating patients/clients desire for anonymity.
All you need to start a telemental health visit is a web link to your therapist’s room using a standard computer or an app on a mobile device. No special hardware or software are necessary and there is no additional cost to you. The secure data transmission and patient privacy is a top priority. We utilize a service with state-of-the-art security and encryption protocols, making it compliant with HIPAA and HITECH requirements. It should be noted that Virtual sessions are just as secure as coming into the office for a one-on-one session and research has shown that sessions have been been equally as beneficial as in-person sessions.
Evidence has shown that telemental health is not only very effective but has also shown to help patients maintain a consistent schedule compared to in-person appointments without having to take off more time from work or everyday life to travel to appointments.
Telepsychiatry is a term used specific to psychiatric services. Telepsychiatry consists of comprehensive evaluation of existing psychiatric, behavioral and/or cognitive issues as well as substance abuse evaluation and treatment. Psychiatrists use psychopharmacological treatment for the clinical symptoms and provide ongoing regularly scheduled monitoring of the clinical status and the pscychotropic medication protocol.
To use your computer or smart phone:
Just go to the appropriate therapist link below at our appointment time, enter your name to be placed in the virtual waiting room. You should see the therapist name available. Wait for the therapist to accept you in the room.
- Lisa Ann Smith: https://doxy.me/lisasmith1alliancecps
- Lenice Metelo: https://doxy.me/lenicemetelo1alliancecps
- Dr. Gregory Haley: https://doxy.me/greghaley1alliancecps
- Administrative assistant for Dr. Haley – Jill: https://doxy.me/jillrawls1alliancecps
- Dr Angela Dawson: https://doxy.me/angeladawson1alliancecps
- Administrative assistant for Dr. Dawson- Kim: https://doxy.me/admin1alliance
- Jamie Mahaffey: https://doxy.me/jamiemahaffey1alliancecps
- Yvette Cianfaglione: https://doxy.me/yvettecianfaglione1alliancecps
- Carrie Dorminey https://doxy.me/carriedorminey1alliancecps
- Julie Zemke: https://doxy.me/juliezemke1alliancecps
- Melissa Wetherington: https://doxy.me/melissaw1alliancecps
- Pansy Adams: https://doxy.me/pansyadams1alliancecps