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June: Men’s Health Month

Men are significantly less likely to seek out mental health care when compared to women. It’s been found that they delay seeking help (generally) because of the stigma associated with therapy/psychiatry, and because men tend to solve internal problems with external solutions, which is not always effective. Signs of unhealthy external coping may include working too much, drinking too much, increasing romantic relationships.

Men deal with the same mental health issues as women and non-binary people. Men are also prone to depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, eating disorders, etc. Around 6 million men suffer from depression every year. Roughly 50% of people with bipolar disorder are men. And an estimated 45% of people with eating disorders are men. Perhaps the scariest statistic though is that men are 4 times more likely to commit suicide than women. Gay and bisexual men are more likely to develop mental health disorders, and are also at a 25% increased risk of suicide. Risk factors that increase this likelihood are isolation, substance abuse, PTSD, genetic predisposition, and mental health disorders. 

So how do we combat this? Well I think we can start out by normalizing positive mental health for men. Stop the narrative that a man is not “manly” if he has to seek help. In fact, it takes bravery for someone to get help for themselves. We support men who showcase positive masculinity. We do not shame a man for showing emotions. A man is a man. There should not be any qualitatives. A man can wear a dress or overalls or both at the same time. A man can cry and be gentle. Masculine and feminine traits are arbitrary societal rules. By supporting and encouraging men to seek mental health help, we start discussions, we normalize it, and hopefully, we lower the statistics and deaths. 


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